Remote Learning

At Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School we are transitioning to remote learning for staff and students. Over the first weeks of term two, the students have been learning to access and complete learning tasks from home, with strong support from the staff and their families at home. 

The Prep-Year Two students are using the ‘See Saw’ App to access and complete their learning tasks. Once completed, these tasks are automatically available to the teachers to assess and give feedback. 

The students in Years Three to Six are using their Google Classroom accounts to access their learning at home. This is a very familiar platform for the students, as they have experience in completing their homework tasks in this manner. 


Staff are available throughout the school day to liaise with families and oversee learning activities. Using Video Conferencing sites such as Google Meet and Zoom, staff are ‘Meeting’ with parents and students to ensure the home-school partnership remains very strong. Our specialist staff and Wellbeing leaders are also using these applications to check-in with families and their individual wellness and wellbeing, which we know is so important at this time. 


Overall, while life at Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School is far from normal, we are striving to maintain the strongest connections with families and student learning as is possible. 

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