Principal’s Welcome

Ross Williams – Principal of Our Lady of Lourdes Bayswater

Welcome To Our Lady of Lourdes Bayswater

Dear Parents, Friends and Visitors,

Welcome to our school website. I hope that the information on these pages will give you an insight into the culture of our school and the exciting learning opportunities that are on offer at Our Lady of Lourdes Bayswater. Our Lady’s School welcomes all students, Catholic and non-Catholic, as well as families from a diverse range of cultures. In fact, over twenty different cultures are represented within our school community.

We are a school where teaching and learning is underpinned by the Gospel values of truth, love, justice, peace and care for the environment. Through all policies, procedures and programs we are committed to the development of the whole child and staff work towards improved outcomes for all students.

Our Lady of Lourdes has a strong focus on student wellbeing and its fundamental importance for the positive learning outcomes of its students. We strive to develop relationships based on respect, inclusiveness and a abundant sense of hospitality. We value communication with our school community and pride ourselves in knowing each child and their family.

In delivering the curriculum, our aim is:

  • to engage and inspire students to develop optimism, strive for personal excellence and to have a commitment to lifelong learning
  • to support everyone in our community in gaining knowledge and skills in order to prepare them to confidently take their place and thrive in a rapidly changing, contemporary world
  • to work with students, at their level, using explicit, focus teaching sessions that ensure all students have the opportunity to achieve academic success.

Our Lady of Lourdes endeavours to provide an atmosphere that gives encouragement, and support, promotes learning and challenges all to develop to their full potential.

Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School is a certified eSmart School and in 2017, gained full accreditation as a KidsMatter School.

I welcome prospective parents to make an appointment to come and visit our school to see our ‘Learning in Action’ at any time throughout the year.

Ross Williams M.Ed, Grad. Dip. Educational Studies (Student Wellbeing), Dip. Teaching
Principal – Our Lady of Lourdes Bayswater

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